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Over the past week, we decided to paint planters.
I’ve really taken up gardening as a great hobby. And there is nothing like growing and eating your own food. And since you take care of it, you know it’s organic, which is the best ever!
I wanted to spice up our garden a bit so we all did an activity where we each painted a planter.

Planters (they’re relatively cheap)
Acrylic paint or Outdoor acrylic paint

Setting spray (if you’re not using outdoor acrylic paint)
Paintbrushes but fingers are good, too!

Newspaper to catch any mess.

It’s pretty simple. Just choose a pot, paint it, and let it dry! Really, it’s that simple.

Here’s our YouTube video!
About Post Author
Hi, I'm Crystal! Mother of 1 human, 3 cats, and a glorified housewife to a fantastic man. Let's have fun and enjoy life together!